John Byrne



John Byrne nasce a West Bromwich, Gran Bretagna, il 6 Luglio 1950. La sua passione per i fumetti e in particolare per i super-eroi americani si rivela quasi subito ed è naturalmente rivolta al variegato universo della DC Comics. L'unico mercato realmente pervasivo, disponibile in quegli anni.

Dall'età di undici anni si trasferisce in Canada al seguito della famiglia. In un'estate del 1962, a Edmonton, in un'edicola di Jasper Avenue, il giovane John incrociò con lo sguardo la minacciosa figura del Dr Destino che campeggiava sul 5 dei Fantastici Quattro. Fu un amore fulminante quello per i personaggi di Lee & Kirby, un amore che durò per circa tre anni, quando il giovane Byrne mollerà di schianto la serie con il 36, deluso dall'aver azzeccato l'identità dell'Uomo Invincibile dopo quattro pagine.

Dopo quell'esperienza fulminante, la vita di Byrne prosegue come quella di un normale ragazzo americano appassionato di Arte. Frequenta l'Alberta College of Art. Al suo primo anno realizza un piccolo albo a fumetti, come progetto di fine anno. Il suo lavoro fu notato, e quando era al secondo anno, ricevette, da una Fanzine, la proposta di realizzare una copertina in cui fossero raffigurati i FQ che sfidavano Galactus. Questo evento lo riportò di colpo nel rutilante mondo della Marvel. Erano passati circa otto anni, 100 numeri dei FQ, anni in cui molto era cambiato e Byrne si affrettò a recuperare tutti gli anni perduti, la magica gestione Lee-Kirby, che da quel momento rappresenterà per lui qualcosa di più di un semplice motivo di ispirazione.

All'inizio degli anni '70 si trasferisce negli Stati Uniti e nel 1975 fu Tony Isabella a chiamarlo alla Marvel per disegnare una storia di otto pagine, curata da lui e da Anthony Kraft, che avrebbe dovuto apparire sul 5 di Giant-Size Dracula. Il Tratto ancora molto incerto, completamente coperto dalle chine "pesanti" di Rudy Nebres, è irriconoscibile, ma sarà l'inizio di una carriera molto importante, esplosa quasi subito.
Infatti da lì a poco inizierà la collaborazione con lo scrittore Chris Claremont. Il primo atto di questo sodalizio sarà la Serie di 15 numeri dedicata a Iron Fist, di cui John cura le matite dal primo all'ultimo numero e sarà il primo lavoro nel quale farà conoscere il suo famoso tratto plastico e sinuoso.
Sempre con Claremont cura una sequenza di storie di Marvel Team-Up rimaste celebri, mentre da qualche mese stava già disegnando Champions su testi di Bill Mantlo.

La sua attività si intensifica ed esplode definitivamente quando nel Dicembre 1977 viene chiamato a sostituire Dave Cockrum come disegnatore regolare della serie degli X-Men curata da Chris Claremont. Claremont sul serial mutante stava facendo un lavoro eccezionale, avendo già portato la serie a livelli di qualità che, nella sua storia, aveva avuto pochi precedenti.
Il connubio sinergico con Byrne segnerà il salto di qualità decisivo. La Serie degli X-Men verrà proiettata in un turbine pirotecnico di eventi di portata cosmica che mandarono alle stelle sia il consenso della critica sia le vendite del periodico, dando formalmente inizio a quell'isteria mutante che caratterizzerà praticamente tutto il decennio successivo.
Tuttavia il lavoro di Byrne non si limiterà soltanto ai Mutanti, ma contribuirà validamente ad altri serial: si ricordano soprattutto i Fantastici Quattro sotto la guida di Marv Wolfman (La Saga della Sfinge) e i Vendicatori (Notti di Wundagore) sotto la guida di David Michelinie.

Nella lunga gestione degli X-Men, Byrne diede un contributo importante anche ai soggetti e alle trame. Tuttavia, la sua statura di autore completo ebbe modo di emergere presto. Nel 1981, approfittando dello spostamento di Moench & Sienkiewicz sulle pagine di Moon Knight, Byrne riesce a coronare il sogno di scrivere e disegnare la testata regolare dei Fantastic Four. L'intento era quello di riportare la serie ai fasti e allo spirito del periodo Lee-Kirby.
Mancherà la vulcanica creatività dei padri fondatori, ma la qualità complessiva del lungo ciclo da lui gestito, avrà pochi precedenti (e soprattutto pochi seguiti) nella storia del quartetto e sarà probabilmente il vertice artistico della sua carriera.
Di ottima caratura sarà anche la serie di Alpha Flight, di cui curerà testi e disegni per oltre due anni. Molto meno riuscita la sua, tuttavia breve, gestione di Hulk.
A metà degli anni '80 si troverà in aperto contrasto con Jim Shooter, allora Editor in Chief della Marvel Comics, motivo che lo convinse ad accettare l'offerta della distinta concorrenza di attualizzare Superman.
Subito dopo il terremoto Crisis, la DC comics si trovò nella necessità di "ridefinire" e "ricollocare" nella continuity tutti i suoi personaggi più importanti e allo scrittore anglo-canadese fu offerto il personaggio di riferimento.
John Byrne realizzerà una miniserie The Man of Steel e quindi ben due serie regolari Superman e Action Comics delle quali curerà testi e disegni per circa due anni. Per la DC, in quel periodo, realizzerà anche la miniserie Legends.

All'inizio degli anni '90 Byrne torna nuovamente alla Marvel (pare in seguito a dissapori con la dirigenza della DC), qui porta a conclusione la serie del Nuovo Universo StarBrand e dà inizio ad una nuova serie regolare di She-Hulk.
Quest'ultimo, malgrado sia portato avanti ad intermittenza, si rivelerà uno dei suoi lavori più originali.

Dopo She-Hulk in casa Marvel curerà il rilancio di una nuova serie di Namor, anch'essa formalmente ottima.

All'inizio degli Anni '90, Byrne accetta l'offerta della divisione Legends della Dark Horse per realizzare alcune serie creator-owned, fra queste la più celebre è senz'altro Next Men.

Dalla seconda metà degli anni '90, ad intermittenza, tornerà a lavorare sia con la DC che con la Marvel, ma con poche eccezioni, il suo lavoro difficilmente riuscirà a reggere il confronto con le opere del passato.


Dark Horse / Babe [1994]

Babe, 4 - Meeting adjourned - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils / inks - October 1994 - pp 1 / 22

Babe, 3 - Mr Longshadow regrets - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils / inks - September 1994 - pp 1 / 22

Babe, 2 - B.E.M.S. - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils / inks - August 1994 - pp 1 / 24

Babe, 1 - It was a dark and stormy night - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils / inks - July 1994 - pp 1 / 24


Dark Horse / Dark Horse Presents [1991], Next Men [1992]

Next Men, 19 - M4, part 13 - comic story - science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - October 1993 - pp 1 / 4

Next Men, 18 - M4, part 12 - comic story - science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - September 1993 - pp 1 / 4

Next Men, 17 - M4, part 11 - comic story - science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - August 1993 - pp 1 / 4

Next Men, 16 - M4, part 10 - comic story - science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - June 1993 - pp 1 / 7

Next Men, 15 - M4, part 9 - comic story - science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - May 1993 - pp 1 / 6

Next Men, 14 - M4, part 8 - comic story - science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - April 1993 - pp 1 / 5

Next Men, 13 - M4, part 7 - comic story - science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - March 1993 - pp 1 / 4

Next Men, 12 - M4, part 6 - comic story - science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - February 1993 - pp 1 / 2

Next Men, 12 - Parallel, part 5 - comic story - superhero / science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - February 1993 - pp 1 / 25

Next Men, 11 - M4, part 5 - comic story - science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - January 1993 - pp 1 / 8

Next Men, 11 - Parallel, part 4 - comic story - superhero / science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - January 1993 - pp 1 / 20

Next Men, 10 - M4, part 4 - comic story - science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - December 1992 - pp 1 / 8

Next Men, 10 - Parallel, interlude - comic story - superhero / science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - December 1992 - pp 1 / 20

Next Men, 9 - M4, part 3 - comic story - science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - November 1992 - pp 1 / 8

Next Men, 9 - Parallel, part 3 - comic story - superhero / science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - November 1992 - pp 1 / 20

Next Men, 8 - M4, part 2 - comic story - science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - October 1992 - pp 1 / 8

Next Men, 8 - Parallel, part 2 - comic story - superhero / science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - October 1992 - pp 1 / 20

Next Men, 7 - M4, part 1 - comic story - science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - September 1992 - pp 1 / 8

Next Men, 7 - Parallel, part 1 - comic story - superhero / science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - September 1992 - pp 1 / 20

Next Men, 6 - Dominoes - comic story - superhero / science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - July 1992 - pp 1 / 24

Next Men, 5 - The survivor - comic story - superhero / science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - June 1992 - pp 1 / 28

Next Men, 4 - Boneyard - comic story - superhero / science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - May 1992 - pp 1 / 24

Next Men, 3 - Kill Factor - comic story - superhero / science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - April 1992 - pp 1 / 24

Next Men, 2 - Worldview - comic story - superhero / science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - March 1992 - pp 1 / 24

Next Men, 1 - cover - pencils / inks - January 1992

Next Men, 1 - Breakout - comic story - superhero / science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - January 1992 - pp 1 / 24

Dark Horse Presents, 57 - Nativity - comic story - superhero / science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - December 1991 - pp 1 / 8

Dark Horse Presents, 56 - Prelude - comic story - superhero / science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - November 1991 - pp 1 / 8

Dark Horse Presents, 55 - Interlude II - comic story - superhero / science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - October 1991 - pp 1 / 8

Dark Horse Presents, 54 - Interlude - comic story - superhero / science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - September 1991 - pp 1 / 8


Marvel Comics / Iron Man [1968]

Iron Man, 253 - cover - pencils / inks - February 1990

Humor and parody stories

Marvel Comics / What The [1988]

What The, 10 - cover - pencils - January 1991

What The, 10 - I'll be Doom for Christmas - comic story - parody / humor - pencils / inks - January 1991 - pp 1 / 8

What The, 6 - Smacks of vengeance - comic story - parody / humor - plot / script / pencils - January 1990 - pp 1 / 8


Marvel Comics / Avengers West Coast Annual [1986]

Avengers West Coast Annual, 4 - cover - pencils / inks - 1989

Avengers West Coast annual, 4 - Gather now ye seven brides - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - 1989 - pp 1 / 30


DC Comics / Action Comics [1938]

Action Comics, 600 - The dark where madness lies - comic story - superhero - plot / script - May 1988 - pp 1 / 8


Marvel Comics / Star Brand [1986]

Star Brand, 19 - Finale - comic story - superhero - plot / script / layouts - May 1989 - pp 1 / 28

Star Brand, 18 - We, the people - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - March 1989 - pp 1 / 22

Star Brand, 17 - The big fix - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - January 1989 - pp 1 / 22

Star Brand, 16 - Death, where is thy sting? - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - November 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Star Brand, 15 - Let there be life - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - September 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Star Brand, 14 - Sins of the father - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - July 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Star Brand, 13 - Ghosts - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - May 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Star Brand, 12 - Farewell, Pittsburgh - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - February 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Star Brand, 11 - Celebrity - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - January 1988 - pp 1 / 22


DC Comics / Booster Gold [1985]

Booster Gold, 23 - cover - inks - December 1987


DC Comics / Secret Origins Annual [1987]

Secret Origins Annual, 1 - cover - pencils / inks - 1987

Secret Origins Annual, 1 - The secret origin of the Doom Patrol - comic story - superhero - pencils / inks - 1987 - pp 1 / 30


DC Comics: / Action Comics [1938], Adventures of Superman [1987], Superman [1987], Superman Annual [1987], Action Comics Annual [1987]

Action Comics Annual, 6 - Legacy - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - 1994 - pp 1 / 40

Superman, 22 - cover - pencils / inks - October 1988

Superman, 22 - The price - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - October 1988 - pp 1 / 22

The Adventures of Superman, 444 - Parallel lives meet at infinity - comic story - superhero - plot / script - September 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 21 - cover - pencils / inks - September 1988

Superman, 21 - You can't go home again - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - September 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 20 - cover - pencils / inks - August 1988

Superman, 20 - Doom in the Heartland - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - August 1988 - pp 1 / 22

The Adventures of Superman, 442 - cover - pencils / inks - July 1988

The Adventures of Superman, 442 - Power play - comic story - superhero - plot / script - July 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 19 - The power that failed - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - July 1988 - pp 1 / 22

The Adventures of Superman, 441 - The tiny terror of Hollywood - comic story - superhero - plot / script - June 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 18 - Return to Krypton - comic story - superhero - plot / script - June 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Action Comics, 600 - cover - pencils* / inks* - May 1988

Action Comics, 600 - Jimmy Olsen / A friend in need - comic story - superhero - plot - May 1988 - pp 1 / 8

Action Comics, 600 - Lois Lane / no title - comic story - superhero - plot - May 1988 - pp 1 / 8

Action Comics, 600 - Lex Luthor / Games people play - comic story - superhero - plot / script - May 1988 - pp 1 / 8

Action Comics, 600 - Different worlds - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - May 1988 - pp 1 / 32

The Adventures of Superman, 440 - The hurrieder I go ... - comic story - superhero - plot* / script - May 1988 - pp 1 / 21

Superman, 17 - cover - pencils / inks - May 1988

Superman, 17 - Cries in the night - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - May 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Action Comics, 599 - cover - pencils / inks - April 1988

Action Comics, 599 - Element 126 - comic story - superhero - plot / script / inks* - April 1988 - pp 1 / 22

The Adventures of Superman, 439 - Tin soldiers - comic story - superhero - plot / script - April 1988 - pp 1 / 23

Superman, 16 - cover - pencils / inks - April 1988

Superman, 16 - He only laughs when I hurt - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - April 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Action Comics, 598 - cover - pencils / inks - March 1988

Action Comics, 598 - Checkmate - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - March 1988 - pp 1 / 22

The Adventures of Superman, 438 - The amazing Brainiac - comic story - superhero - plot / script - March 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 15 - cover - pencils / inks - March 1988

Superman, 15 - Wings - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - March 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Action Comics, 597 - Visitor - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - February 1988 - pp 1 / 22

The Adventures of Superman, 437 - Point of view - comic story - superhero - plot* / script - February 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 14 - cover - pencils / inks - February 1988

Superman, 14 - Last stand - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - February 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Action Comics, 596 - Hell is where the heart is - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks* - January 1988 - pp 1 / 22

The Adventures of Superman, 436 - Junk - comic story - superhero - plot* / script - January 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 13 - cover - pencils / inks - January 1988

Superman, 13 - Toys in the attic - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - January 1988 - pp 1 / 22

Action Comics, 595 - cover - pencils / inks - December 1987

Action Comics, 595 - The ghost of Superman - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks* - December 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 12 - cover - pencils / inks - December 1987

Superman, 12 - Lost love - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - December 1987 - pp 1 / 21

Action Comics, 594 - cover - pencils / inks - November 1987

Action Comics, 594 - All that glitters ... - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks* - November 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 11 - cover - pencils / inks - November 1987

Superman, 11 - The name game - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - November 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 10 - cover - pencils / inks - October 1987

Superman, 10 - The super menace of Metropolis - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - October 1987 - pp 1 / 21

Action Comics, 593 - cover - pencils / inks - October 1987

Action Comics, 593 - The suicide snare - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks* - October 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Action Comics, 592 - cover - pencils / inks - September 1987

Action Comics, 592 - A walk on the Darkside - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks* - September 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 9 - cover - pencils / inks - September 1987

Superman, 9 - Lex Luthor / Metropolis 900 MI - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - September 1987 - pp 1 / 7

Superman, 9 - To laugh and die in Metropolis - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - September 1987 - pp 1 / 17

Action Comics, 591 - cover - pencils / inks - August 1987

Action Comics, 591 - Past imperfect - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks* - August 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 8 - cover - pencils / inks - August 1987

Superman, 8 - Future shock - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - August 1987 - pp 1 / 21

Action Comics, 590 - Better dying through chemistry - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - July 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 7 - cover - pencils / inks - July 1987

Superman, 7 - Rampage - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - July 1987 - pp 1 / 23

Superman Annual, 1 - Tears for Titano - comic story - superhero - plot* / script - 1987 - pp 1 / 38

Action Comics, 589 - cover - pencils / inks - June 1987

Action Comics, 589 - Green on green - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - June 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 6 - cover - pencils / inks - June 1987

Superman, 6 - The last five hundred - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - June 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Action Comics, 588 - cover - pencils / inks - May 1987

Action Comics, 588 - All wars must end - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - May 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 5 - cover - pencils / inks - May 1987

Superman, 5 - The mummy strikes - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - May 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Action Comics, 587 - cover - pencils / inks - April 1987

Action Comics, 587 - Cityscape - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - April 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 4 - cover - pencils / inks - April 1987

Superman, 4 - Bloodsport - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - April 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Action Comics, 586 - cover - pencils / inks - March 1987

Action Comics, 586 - The champion - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - March 1987 - pp 1 / 22

The Adventures of Superman, 426 - From the dregs - comic story - superhero - plot* - March 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 3 - cover - pencils / inks - March 1987

Superman, 3 - Legends from the Darkside - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - March 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Action Comics, 585 - cover - pencils / inks - February 1987

Action Comics, 585 - And graves give up their dead - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - February 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 2 - The secret revealed - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - February 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Action Comics, 584 - cover - pencils / inks - January 1987

Action Comics, 584 - Squatter - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - January 1987 - pp 1 / 22

Superman, 1 - cover - pencils / inks - January 1987

Superman, 1 - Heart of stone - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - January 1987 - pp 1 / 23


Marvel Comics / Incredible Hulk Annual [1976], Marvel Fanfare [1982]

Marvel Fanfare, 29 - A terrible thing to waste - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - November 1986 - pp 1 / 22

Incredible Hulk Annual, 14 - cover - inks - December 1985

Incredible Hulk Annual, 14 - The weakness of the flesh - comic story - superhero - plot / script - December 1985 - pp 1 / 40

Incredible Hulk Annual, 7 - The evil that is cast ... - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - December 1978 - pp 1 / 35


Marvel Comics / Marvel Graphic Novel_[1982], The Sensational She-Hulk [1989]

The Sensational She-Hulk, 36 - cover - pencils / inks - February 1992

The Sensational She-Hulk, 36 - Plastic snow and mistletoe - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils - February 1992 - pp 1 / 22

The Sensational She-Hulk, 35 - cover - pencils / inks - January 1992

The Sensational She-Hulk, 35 - Hail, hail the gang's all dad - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils - January 1992 - pp 1 / 22

The Sensational She-Hulk, 34 - cover - pencils / inks - December 1991

The Sensational She-Hulk, 34 - Who was that zombie I saw you with? - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils - December 1991 - pp 1 / 22

The Sensational She-Hulk, 33 - cover - pencils / inks - November 1991

The Sensational She-Hulk, 33 - Mole and wife - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils - November 1991 - pp 1 / 22

The Sensational She-Hulk, 32 - cover - pencils / inks - October 1991

The Sensational She-Hulk, 32 - The hills have eyes, and mouth and ears (and maybe noses) - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils - October 1991 - pp 1 / 22

The Sensational She-Hulk, 31 - cover - pencils / inks - September 1991

The Sensational She-Hulk, 31 - Interrupted melody - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils - September 1991 - pp 1 / 22

The Sensational She-Hulk, 8 - cover - pencils / inks - Mid-November 1989

The Sensational She-Hulk, 8 - The world's greatest detective - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils - Mid-November 1989 - pp 1 / 21

The Sensational She-Hulk, 7 - cover - pencils / inks - November 1989

The Sensational She-Hulk, 7 - I have no mouth and I am mean - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils - November 1989 - pp 1 / 21

The Sensational She-Hulk, 6 - cover - pencils / inks - October 1989

The Sensational She-Hulk, 6 - Star Truck - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils - October 1989 - pp 1 / 22

The Sensational She-Hulk, 5 - cover - pencils / inks - September 1989

The Sensational She-Hulk, 5 - The doctor is in! - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils - September 1989 - pp 1 / 22

The Sensational She-Hulk, 4 - cover - pencils / inks - August 1989

The Sensational She-Hulk, 4 - Tall dis-order - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils - August 1989 - pp 1 / 22

The Sensational She-Hulk, 3 - cover - pencils / inks - July 1989

The Sensational She-Hulk, 3 - My guest star, my enemy - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils - July 1989 - pp 1 / 22

The Sensational She-Hulk, 2 - cover - pencils / inks - June 1989

The Sensational She-Hulk, 2 - Attack of the terrible Toad Men of Froggy came cavortin' - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils - June 1989 - pp 1 / 22

The Sensational She-Hulk, 1 - cover - pencils / inks - May 1989

The Sensational She-Hulk, 1 - Second chance - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils - May 1989 - pp 1 / 22

Marvel Graphic Novel, 18 - cover - pencils / inks - 1985

Marvel Graphic Novel, 18 - The sensational She-Hulk - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - 1985 - pp 1 / 70

Science Fiction Stories

Dark Horse / John Byrne's 2112_[1991], Danger Unlimited [1994]
Marvel Comics / Secret Wars II [1985], The Pitt [1987]

Danger Unlimited, 4 - The Phoenix Agenda, part 4: Genesis - comic story - science-fiction / superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - May 1994 - pp 1 / 21

Danger Unlimited, 3 - The Phoenix Agenda, part 3: Metamorphosis - comic story - science-fiction / superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - April 1994 - pp 1 / 22

Danger Unlimited, 2 - The Phoenix Agenda, part 2: Discovery - comic story - science-fiction / superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - March 1994 - pp 1 / 22

Danger Unlimited, 1 - The Phoenix Agenda, part 1: Rebirth - comic story - science-fiction / superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - February 1994 - pp 1 / 22

John Byrne's 2112 - comic story - science-fiction - plot / script / pencils / inks - November 1991 - pp 1 / 64

Marvel Graphic Novel: The Pitt - comic story - plot* / script* - 1987 - superhero - pp 1 / 44

Secret Wars II, 1 - cover - pencils - July 1985


Marvel Comics / Phoenix: The Untold Story [1984]

Phoenix: The Untold Story - comic story - superhero - pencils - April 1984 - pp 1 / 34


Marvel Comics / Alpha Flight [1983]

Alpha Flight, 28 - cover - pencils / inks - November 1985

Alpha Flight, 28 - Cross-over - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - November 1985 - pp 1 / 22

Alpha Flight, 4 - cover - pencils / inks - November 1983

Alpha Flight, 4 - Resolutions - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - November 1983 - pp 1 / 22


Marvel Comics / X-Men [1963]

X-Men, 143 - Demon - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - March 1981 - pp 1 / 22

X-Men, 142 - Mind out of time - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - February 1981 - pp 1 / 22

X-Men, 141 - Days of future past - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - January 1981 - pp 1 / 22

X-Men, 140 - Rage - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - December 1980 - pp 1 / 22

X-Men, 139 - Something wicked this way comes - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - November 1980 - pp 1 / 22

X-Men, 138 - Elegy - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - October 1980 - pp 1 / 18

X-Men, 137 - The fate of the Phoenix - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - September 1980 - pp 1 / 35

X-Men, 136 - Child of light and darkness - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - August 1980 - pp 1 / 17

X-Men, 135 - Dark Phoenix - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - July 1980 - pp 1 / 17

X-Men, 134 - Too late, the heroes - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - June 1980 - pp 1 / 17

X-Men, 133 - Wolverine: Alone - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - May 1980 - pp 1 / 17

X-Men, 132 - And Hellfire is their name - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - April 1980 - pp 1 / 17

X-Men, 131 - Run for your life - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - March 1980 - pp 1 / 17

X-Men, 130 - Dazzler - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - February 1980 - pp 1 / 17

X-Men, 129 - Godspare the child - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - January 1980 - pp 1 / 17


Marvel Comics / Fantastic Four [1961], Fantastic Four Annual [1963], What If [1977], What The [1988]

What The, 2 - cover - pencils - September 1988

What The, 2 - Superbman vs the Fantastical Four: My bad guy, my enemy - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - September 1988 - pp 1 / 8

Fantastic Four Annual, 23 - cover - pencils / inks - 1990

Fantastic Four, 294 - Hero worship - comic story - superhero - plot - September 1986 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 293 - Central City does not answer - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - August 1986 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 292 - cover - pencils / inks - July 1986

Fantastic Four, 292 - The man who dreamed the world - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - July 1986 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 291 - cover - pencils / inks - June 1986

Fantastic Four, 291 - The times they are a'changing - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - June 1986 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 290 - cover - pencils / inks - May 1986

Fantastic Four, 290 - Risk - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - May 1986 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 289 - cover - pencils / inks - April 1986

Fantastic Four, 289 - Rip wide the sky - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - April 1986 - pp 1 / 23

Fantastic Four, 288 - cover - pencils / inks - March 1986

Fantastic Four, 288 - Full circle - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - March 1986 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 287 - cover - pencils - February 1986

Fantastic Four, 287 - Prisoner of the flesh - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - February 1986 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 286 - cover - pencils - January 1986

Fantastic Four, 286 - Like a Phoenix - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - January 1986 - pp 1 / 30

Fantastic Four Annual, 19 - Summons from the stars - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - 1985 - pp 1 / 40

Fantastic Four, 285 - cover - pencils / inks - December 1985

Fantastic Four, 285 - Hero - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - December 1985 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 284 - cover - pencils / inks - November 1985

Fantastic Four, 284 - Revolution - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - November 1985 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 283 - cover - pencils - October 1985

Fantastic Four, 283 - Torment - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - October 1985 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 282 - cover - pencils / inks - September 1985

Fantastic Four, 282 - Inwards to infinity - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - September 1985 - pp 1 / 23

Fantastic Four, 281 - cover - pencils - August 1985

Fantastic Four, 281 - With Malice towards all - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - August 1985 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 280 - cover - pencils - July 1985

Fantastic Four, 280 - Tell them all they love must die - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - July 1985 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 279 - cover - pencils - June 1985

Fantastic Four, 279 - Crack of Doom, part 2: Father to the man - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - June 1985 - pp 1 / 12

Fantastic Four, 279 - Crack of Doom, part 1: Though heavens fall - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - June 1985 - pp 1 / 10

Fantastic Four, 278 - cover - pencils - May 1985

Fantastic Four, 278 - True lies - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - May 1985 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 277 - cover - pencils - April 1985

Fantastic Four, 277 - Back from Beyond - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - April 1985 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 276 - cover - pencils - March 1985

Fantastic Four, 276 - Surfer a witch to live - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - March 1985 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 275 - cover - pencils - February 1985

Fantastic Four, 275 - The naked truth - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - February 1985 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 274 - cover - pencils / inks - January 1985

Fantastic Four, 274 - Monster mash, part 2 - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - January 1985 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 273 - cover - pencils / inks - December 1984

Fantastic Four, 273 - Fathers and others - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - December 1984 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 272 - cover - pencils / inks - November 1984

Fantastic Four, 272 - Cowboys and idioms - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - November 1984 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 271 - cover - pencils / inks - October 1984

Fantastic Four, 271 - Happy birthday, darling - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - October 1984 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 270 - cover - pencils / inks - September 1984

Fantastic Four, 270 - Planet-fall - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - September 1984 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 269 - cover - pencils / inks - August 1984

Fantastic Four, 269 - Skyfall - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - August 1984 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four Annual, 18 - cover - pencils - 1984

Fantastic Four Annual, 18 - Something old, something new - comic story - superhero - plot* / script* - 1984 - pp 1 / 28

Fantastic Four Annual, 18 - Prologue: Ten lunar orbits ago - comic story - superhero - plot* / script* - 1984 - pp 1 / 11

Fantastic Four, 268 - The masque of Doom - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - July 1984 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 267 - cover - pencils / inks - June 1984

Fantastic Four, 267 - A small loss - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - June 1984 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 266 - cover - pencils / inks - May 1984

Fantastic Four, 266 - Call her ... Karisma - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils* (1/2,22) / inks - May 1984 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 265 - cover - pencils / inks - April 1984

Fantastic Four, 265 - Home are the heroes - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - April 1984 - pp 1 / 11

Fantastic Four, 265 - The house that Reed built - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - April 1984 - pp 1 / 11

Fantastic Four, 264 - cover - pencils / inks - March 1984

Fantastic Four, 264 - Inferno - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - March 1984 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 263 - cover - pencils / inks - February 1984

Fantastic Four, 263 - R. and R. - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - February 1984 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 262 - cover - pencils / inks - January 1984

Fantastic Four, 262 - The trial of Reed Richards - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - January 1984 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 261 - cover - pencils / inks - December 1983

Fantastic Four, 261 - The search for Reed Richards - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - December 1983 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 260 - cover - pencils / inks - November 1983

Fantastic Four, 260 - When titans clash - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - November 1983 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 259 - cover - pencils / inks - October 1983

Fantastic Four, 259 - Choices - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - October 1983 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 258 - cover - pencils / inks - September 1983

Fantastic Four, 258 - Interlude - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - September 1983 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four Annual, 17 - cover - pencils / inks - 1983

Fantastic Four Annual, 17 - Legacy - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - 1983 - pp 1 / 38

Fantastic Four, 257 - cover - pencils / inks - August 1983

Fantastic Four, 257 - Fragments - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - August 1983 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 256 - cover - pencils / inks - July 1983

Fantastic Four, 256 - The annihilation gambit - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - July 1983 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 255 - cover - pencils - June 1983

Fantastic Four, 255 - Trapped - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - June 1983 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 254 - cover - pencils - May 1983

Fantastic Four, 254 - The minds of Mantracora - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - May 1983 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 253 - cover - pencils - April 1983

Fantastic Four, 253 - Quest - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - April 1983 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 252 - cover - pencils - March 1983

Fantastic Four, 252 - Cityscape - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - March 1983 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 251 - cover - pencils - February 1983

Fantastic Four, 251 - Into the negative zone - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - February 1983 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 250 - cover - pencils - January 1983

Fantastic Four, 250 - X-Factor - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - January 1983 - pp 1 / 37

Fantastic Four, 249 - cover - pencils / inks - December 1982

Fantastic Four, 249 - Man and Super-Man - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - December 1982 - pp 1 / 22

What If, 36 - cover - pencils - December 1982

What If, 36 - What if the Fantastic Four had not gained their powers? - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - December 1982 - pp 1 / 20

Fantastic Four, 248 - cover - pencils / inks - November 1982

Fantastic Four, 248 - Nightmare - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - November 1982 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 247 - cover - pencils / inks - October 1982

Fantastic Four, 247 - This land is mine - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - October 1982 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 246 - cover - pencils / inks - September 1982

Fantastic Four, 246 - Too many dooms - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - September 1982 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 245 - cover - pencils / inks - August 1982

Fantastic Four, 245 - Childhood's end - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - August 1982 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 244 - cover - pencils / inks - July 1982

Fantastic Four, 244 - Beginnings and endings - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - July 1982 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 243 - cover - pencils / inks - June 1982

Fantastic Four, 243 - Shall Earth endure? - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - June 1982 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 242 - cover - pencils - May 1982

Fantastic Four, 242 - Terrax the untamed - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - May 1982 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 241 - cover - pencils - April 1982

Fantastic Four, 241 - Render unto Caesar - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - April 1982 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 240 - cover - pencils - March 1982

Fantastic Four, 240 - Exodus - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - March 1982 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 239 - cover - pencils / inks - February 1982

Fantastic Four, 239 - Wendy's friends - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - February 1982 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 238 - cover - pencils - January 1982

Fantastic Four, 238 - The more things change - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - January 1982 - pp 1 / 8

Fantastic Four, 238 - The lady is for burning - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - January 1982 - pp 1 / 13

Fantastic Four, 237 - cover - pencils / inks - December 1981

Fantastic Four, 237 - The eyes have it - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - December 1981 - pp 1 / 20

Fantastic Four, 236 - cover - pencils - November 1981

Fantastic Four, 236 - Terror in a tiny town, part 2: If this be doomsady - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - November 1981 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 236 - Terror in a tiny town, part 1: As I lay dreaming - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - November 1981 - pp 1 / 18

Fantastic Four, 235 - cover - pencils - October 1981

Fantastic Four, 235 - Four against Ego - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - October 1981 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 234 - cover - pencils - September 1981

Fantastic Four, 234 - The man with the power - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - September 1981 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 233 - cover - pencils - August 1981

Fantastic Four, 233 - Mission for a dead man - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils / inks - August 1981 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 232 - cover - pencils - July 1981

Fantastic Four, 232 - Back to the basics - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - July 1981 - pp 1 / 22

Fantastic Four, 221 - Tower of crystal, dreams of glass - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - August 1980 - pp 1 / 17

Fantastic Four, 220 - cover - pencils - July 1980

Fantastic Four, 220 - And the lights went out all over the world - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - July 1980 - pp 1 / 16

Fantastic Four, 218 - When a Spider-Man comes calling - comic story - superhero - pencils - May 1980 - pp 1 / 17

Fantastic Four, 217 - Masquerade - comic story - superhero - pencils - April 1980 - pp 1 / 17

Fantastic Four, 216 - Where there be gods - comic story - superhero - pencils - March 1980 - pp 1 / 17

Fantastic Four, 215 - Blastaar - comic story - superhero - pencils - February 1980 - pp 1 / 17

Fantastic Four, 214 - cover - pencils - January 1980

Fantastic Four, 214 - And then there was ... one - comic story - superhero - pencils - January 1980 - pp 1 / 17

Fantastic Four, 213 - cover - pencils - December 1979

Fantastic Four, 213 - In final battle - comic story - superhero - pencils - December 1979 - pp 1 / 17

Fantastic Four, 212 - Battle of the titans - comic story - superhero - pencils - November 1979 - pp 1 / 17

Fantastic Four, 211 - cover - pencils - October 1979

Fantastic Four, 211 - If this be Terrax - comic story - superhero - pencils - October 1979 - pp 1 / 17

Fantastic Four, 210 - In search of Galactus - comic story - superhero - pencils - September 1979 - pp 1 / 17

Fantastic Four, 209 - Trapped in the Sargasso Sea - comic story - superhero - pencils - August 1979 - pp 1 / 17


Marvel Comics / The Avengers [1963], Avengers Annual [1967]

Avengers Annual, 14 - Fifth column - comic story - superhero - pencils - 1985 - pp 1 / 40

The Avengers, 233 - cover - pencils - July 1983

The Avengers, 233 - The annihilation gambit - comic story - superhero - plot* / pencils - July 1983 - pp 1 / 22

The Avengers, 191 - Back to the Stone Age - comic story - superhero - pencils - January 1980 - pp 1 / 17

The Avengers, 190 - cover - pencils - December 1979

The Avengers, 190 - Heart of stone - comic story - superhero - pencils - December 1979 - pp 1 / 17

The Avengers, 189 - Wings and arrows - comic story - superhero - pencils - November 1979 - pp 1 / 17

The Avengers, 188 - cover - pencils - October 1979

The Avengers, 188 - Elementary, dear Avengers - comic story - superhero - pencils - October 1979 - pp 1 / 18

The Avengers, 187 - cover - pencils - September 1979

The Avengers, 187 - The call of the mountain thing - comic story - superhero - pencils - September 1979 - pp 1 / 17

The Avengers, 186 - cover - pencils - August 1979

The Avengers, 186 - Nights of Wundagore - comic story - superhero - pencils - August 1979 - pp 1 / 17

The Avengers, 185 - The yesterday quest - comic story - superhero - pencils - July 1979 - pp 1 / 17

The Avengers, 184 - Death on the Hudson - comic story - superhero - pencils - June 1979 - pp 1 / 17

The Avengers, 183 - The redoubtable return of Crusher Crel - comic story - superhero - pencils - May 1979 - pp 1 / 17

The Avengers, 182 - Honor thy father - comic story - superhero - pencils - April 1979 - pp 1 / 17

The Avengers, 181 - On the matter of heroes - comic story - superhero - pencils - March 1979 - pp 1 / 17


Marvel Comics / Marvel Two-in-One [1974], The Thing [1983]

The Thing, 19 - Monster mash, part 1: Rocky Grimm, Space ranger part IX - comic story - superhero - plot / script - January 1985 - pp 1 / 22

The Thing, 10 - Marking time - comic story - superhero - plot / script - April 1984 - pp 1 / 22

The Thing, 7 - cover - pencils - January 1984

The Thing, 7 - What th'?! - comic story - superhero / humor - plot / script / pencils / inks - January 1984 - pp 1 / 5

The Thing, 2 - For beauty passed away - comic story - superhero - plot / script / inks - August 1983 - pp 1 / 22

Marvel Two-in-One, 56 - cover - pencils - October 1979

Marvel Two-in-One, 55 - The Thing & Giant-Man / The Pegasus Project, part 3: Giants in the Earth - comic story - superhero - pencils - September 1979 - pp 1 / 17

Marvel Two-in-One, 54 - The Thing & Deathlok / The Pegasus Project, part 2: Blood and bionics - comic story - superhero - pencils - August 1979 - pp 1 / 17

Marvel Two-in-One, 53 - cover - pencils - July 1979

Marvel Two-in-One, 53 - The Thing & Quasar / The Pegasus Project, part 1: The inner war - comic story - superhero - pencils - July 1979 - pp 1 / 17

Marvel Two-in-One, 50 - Remembrance of things past - comic story - superhero - plot / script / pencils - April 1979 - pp 1 / 17

Marvel Two-in-One, 43 - The Thing & Man-Thing / The day the world winds down - comic story - superhero - pencils* / inks* - September 1978 - pp 1 / 17


Marvel Comics / Power Man [1974]

Power Man, 49 - Seagate is a lonely place to die - comic story - superhero - pencils - February 1978 - pp 1 / 17

Power Man, 48 - Fist of iron, heart of stone - comic story - superhero - pencils - December 1977 - pp 1 / 17


Marvel Comics / Amazing Spider-Man Annual [1964], Marvel Team-Up [1972], The Spectacular Spider-Man [1976]

Amazing Spider-Man Annual, 23 - cover - pencils / inks - 1989

The Spectacular Spider-Man, 58 - cover - pencils - September 1981

The Spectacular Spider-Man, 58 - Il signore dei 1000 anelli - comic story - superhero - pencils - September 1981 - pp 1 / 22

Marvel Team-Up, 62 - Spider-Man & Ms Marvel / All this and the QE2 - comic story - superhero - pencils - October 1977 - pp 1 / 17

Marvel Team-Up, 61 - Spider-Man & Human Torch / Not all thy powers can save thee - comic story - superhero - pencils - September 1977 - pp 1 / 17

Marvel Team-Up, 55 - Spider-Man & Warlock / Spider, spider on the moon - comic story - superhero - pencils - March 1977 - pp 1 / 17


Marvel Comics / Marvel Premiere [1972], Iron Fist [1975]

Iron Fist, 15 - Enter the X-Men - comic story - martial arts / superhero - pencils - September 1977 - pp 1 / 17

Iron Fist, 14 - Snowfire - comic story - martial arts / superhero - pencils - August 1977 - pp 1 / 17

Iron Fist, 13 - Target: Iron Fist - comic story - martial arts / superhero - pencils - June 1977 - pp 1 / 17

Iron Fist, 12 - Assault on Avenger's mansion - comic story - martial arts / superhero - pencils - April 1977 - pp 1 / 17

Iron Fist, 11 - A fine day's dying - comic story - martial arts / superhero - pencils - February 1977 - pp 1 / 17

Iron Fist, 10 - Kung Fu killer - comic story - martial arts / superhero - pencils - December 1976 - pp 1 / 17

Iron Fist, 9 - The dragon dies at dawn - comic story - martial arts / superhero - pencils - November 1976 - pp 1 / 17

Iron Fist, 8 - cover - pencils - October 1976

Iron Fist, 8 - Like tigers in the night - comic story - martial arts / superhero - pencils - October 1976 - pp 1 / 17

Iron Fist, 7 - Iron Fist must die - comic story - martial arts / superhero - pencils - September 1976 - pp 1 / 17

Iron Fist, 6 - Death match - comic story - martial arts / superhero - pencils - August 1976 - pp 1 / 17

Iron Fist, 5 - When slays the Scimitar - comic story - martial arts / superhero - pencils - June 1976 - pp 1 / 17

Iron Fist, 4 - Holocaust - comic story - martial arts / superhero - pencils - April 1976 - pp 1 / 17

Iron Fist, 3 - The city's not for burning - comic story - martial arts / superhero - pencils - February 1976 - pp 1 / 18

Iron Fist, 2 - Valley of the damned - comic story - martial arts / superhero - pencils - December 1975 - pp 1 / 18

Iron Fist, 1 - A duel of iron - comic story - martial arts / superhero - pencils - November 1975 - pp 1 / 18

Marvel Premiere, 25 - Morning of the mindstorm - comic story - martial arts / superhero - pencils - October 1975 - pp 1 / 18

Horror and occult stories

Marvel Comics / Giant-Size Dracula [1974]

Giant-Size Dracula, 5 - Dark asylum - comic story - horror - pencils - June 1975 - pp 1 / 8

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